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  • من Cidade de Maputo
  • درس filosofia في Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
    Class of 4ano
  • Male
  • متابع بواسطة 28 اشخاص
التحديثات الأخيرة
  • English Debats
    Most of us Know the language because we learned seen grad 6, I mean primary school, what had happened is that we don't practice it. We learn and speak any language when we practice the by speaking with anyone.
    Language is practice, is dialogue, is speak - talk.
    We face lot of difficult in Mozambique, not to learn but to speak all strange language, in this case english because we do not speak, we are just boxes that receive things without reaction - some time because we do not have people around that speak the language but most of the time because we are shy and in the highest way because we are afraid to fail...

    This idea of Debats in English will be the property way of upgrade, improve your English speaking and writing.

    ABS: Do not be afraid to ask for clarifications when you do not understand and you are in doubt.
    English Debats Most of us Know the language because we learned seen grad 6, I mean primary school, what had happened is that we don't practice it. We learn and speak any language when we practice the by speaking with anyone. Language is practice, is dialogue, is speak - talk. We face lot of difficult in Mozambique, not to learn but to speak all strange language, in this case english because we do not speak, we are just boxes that receive things without reaction - some time because we do not have people around that speak the language but most of the time because we are shy and in the highest way because we are afraid to fail... This idea of Debats in English will be the property way of upgrade, improve your English speaking and writing. ABS: Do not be afraid to ask for clarifications when you do not understand and you are in doubt.
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    O que é história?
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